Students will be graded on a few different criteria in this class. It is important that the students have an opportunity to grow as individual singers as well as within the group.
CONCERT ATTENDANCE - (35% of Grade) –
Students will be expected to attend every concert date!! It is important that every student is present because this is a group activity and we rely on every student voice to create our choral sound!! This means that you need to call my school phone and leave a message PRIOR TO THE START OF THE CONCERT to get the credit for an excused absence. If you miss a concert FOR ANY REASON, excused or not, you will be expected to do make-up work because it is such a large part of your grade. My school number is (507)583-4426 ext. 470. Full credit for the concert will not be given if you have an unexcused absence from the concert.
*EXCUSED absences from a concert include: Student illness and family emergencies.
*UNEXCUSED absences from a concert include: Student work conflicts, family parties, lack of transportation, non-school related activities.
In order for the performances to be ready on time, students are expected to be active participants in class and they need to follow the classroom expectations. Daily participation points of 3 per day will be used to establish this grade. If the student is in class and participating, 3 points will be given. For unexcused absences, 0 point will be given. For excused absences, students may be asked to do make-up work if there are a high number of absences.
VOICE TESTS - (20% of Grade) –
Voice tests are important for me to be able to hear where everyone is in the class. Most of these “tests” will be on music we are learning in class or they will be something else you will know about in advance. The expectations for each test and what you will be tested on will be given prior to the test being given. Voice tests will be given in class.
CHOIR LESSONS- (20% of Grade) –
Spending time individually in voice lessons will not only help each individual singer, but also give me an opportunity to evaluate each singer and work on things specific to that student. Each student in grades 9-12 will be required to have 2 voice lessons per quarter. Each student in grades 7 and 8 will be required to have 1 voice lesson per quarter. All lessons will be done individually this year and students sign up on my website. If you sign up for a lesson and do not show up, you will get a 0. If you come and you are prepared for your lessons, you will get all of the points. You will receive an email to remind you of your lesson one day before. That email is your pass to come to your choir lesson. Each quarter will be divided into 2 parts. For students in grades 9-12, one lesson must be completed in each half of the quarter. Students in 8th grade will do their lesson in the first half of the quarter. Students in 7th grade will do their lesson in the 2nd half of the quarter. The dates will be posted and students will be reminded OFTEN!!!
A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69%
Make-up work and the possibility of extra credit are to be decided by Ms. Bottin. Please contact her ASAP if you are concerned about your grade in choir. She will keep you updated via JMC on your current grade in class.