Update Materials 1/2025                                               Name_______________________

Guidelines for Blooming Prairie High School Students participating in
Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)

By choosing to participate in the Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) plan, you must agree to abide by the following guidelines:

  1. All PSEO credits will be listed on your BPHS transcript with the college grade earned.
  2. College grades are weighted. They will be incorporated into the student’s grade point average and class rank. There are some classes with weighted grading at BPHS.
  3. A PSEO student withdrawing from a PSEO class will be treated in the same manner as a student who withdraws from a BPHS class whether before or after the withdrawal deadline. Before any withdrawal is done for a PSEO class, the school counselor must be informed. The withdrawal results in a letter grade of NC and is included in the GPA and transcripts.
  4. The conversion ratio of college semester credits to BPHS credits is

4 Riverland/College Credits = 1 BPHS Credit.

  1. Transportation to and from the post-secondary institution is the student’s responsibility.
  2. College textbooks belong to the college and must be returned there.
  3. PSEO students are considered college students and are expected to behave as such. Therefore, the student must handle any academic or attendance problems at the college. You must inform your BPHS counselor of any issues, but the BPHS counselor has no jurisdiction over college matters.
  4. Prior to making any schedule changes, your school counselor needs to be informed about dropping or adding a course. You will need to provide a copy of the classes you registered for, to the school counselor soon after you register.
  5. All BPHS graduation requirements must be met in order to graduate from BPHS.
  6. PSEO students who fail any PSEO courses may be required to verify passing grades with the BPHS counselor for subsequent semesters in order to participate in graduation ceremonies.
  7. PSEO students can participate in high school events and activities, including Minnesota Honor Society (formerly members of National Honor Society). PSEO students will not be eligible for the BPHS Honor Rolls since college grades are not available after each quarter. However, the PSEO student is eligible for the respective college’s Dean’s Lists. This also applies for any sports/activity academic accolades that may happen at quarter time. Awards achieved during first or third quarters will be distributed once PSEO grades are available either fall or spring semester. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up on these matters.
  8. PSEO students have the opportunity to use school resources such as computers and library resources to complete PSEO coursework within reasonable access during the school day with principal approval.
  9. It is the student’s responsibility to stay informed and meet BPHS graduation requirements. Students should contact the high school office 583-4426 for information regarding graduation announcements, graduation and yearbook ordering, scholarship applications, PSAT, ACT, and other testing registrations, prom, homecoming, snow activities and any other high school activities that may arise.
  10. Students may be and are encouraged to be present to take their state assessments on the dates set by the MN Department of Education.


Student Signature/Date _____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature/Date ______________________________________________

Counselor Signature/Date ____________________________________________________

JMC Parental Information
To set up an account, please call either the High School Office (for high school students) or the Elementary (for elementary students).
High School Parents: To access Online JMC information, go up to Our Schools and click on High School. On the left side click on Parent Access. 

Elementary Parents: To access Online JMC information, go up to Our Schools and click on Elementary School. On the left side click on Parent Access.