English Learner Identification Process

For new to the district elementary students with a home/primary language other than English

Action                                                                                     Person Responsible

  1. Enrollment form indicates a language other than                 Enrollment secretary

      English first learned by student, used most often in

      the home or most frequently used by student

2.   Notification of ELL staff by email                                            Enrollment secretary

3.   WIDA Screener administered:  check file for screener score                 ELL teacher

      from previous district or other documentation

      of LEP status including proficiency

  1. If the score on the Screener is less than 6.0 on the                  ELL teacher

grade level adjusted composite score, student

should be identified as LEP

(Kindergarten second semester and 1st grade first semester,

Listening & Speaking: less than 29, Reading: less than 11,

Writing:  less than 12)

  1. ELL teacher and parents notified of LEP status                      ELL teacher

(Mandatory NCLB parent notification within 10 school days,

W-APT summary report placed in cum file)

        6.     Principal and ELL teacher arrange for placement and          Principal/ELL teacher


      7.    MARSS coordinator notified of student status change          ELL teacher

       8.  LEP designation is changed to LEP-YES in MARSS                   MARSS coordinator


For new to the district secondary students with a home/primary language other than English

Action                                                                                     Person Responsible

  1. Enrollment form indicates a language other than                 Enrollment secretary

       English first learned by student, used most often in the

       home, or most frequently used by student

  1. Notification of ELL teacher                                                     Enrollment secretary
  2. Appointment for language assessment made with               Enrollment secretary

       ELL teacher

  1. WIDA Screener assessment administered (check file for                    ELL teacher

      Screener score from previous district or other

      documentation of LEP status including proficiency)

  1. If the score on the Screener is less than 6.0 on the grade        ELL teacher

      level adjusted composite score, student should be

      identified as LEP

  1. Counselor and ELL teacher arrange for placement                Counselor and ELL teacher

      and scheduling

  1. Parents notified of LEP status (mandatory NCLB                   ELL teacher

      parent notification within 10 school days)

  1. MARSS coordinator notified of student status change          ELL teacher
  2. LEP designation is changed to LEP-YES in MARSS                  MARSS coordinator

Contact: Lauren Nelson
JMC Parental Information
To set up an account, please call either the High School Office (for high school students) or the Elementary (for elementary students).
High School Parents: To access Online JMC information, go up to Our Schools and click on High School. On the left side click on Parent Access. 

Elementary Parents: To access Online JMC information, go up to Our Schools and click on Elementary School. On the left side click on Parent Access.