Here is our eLearning sheet for Wednesday March 5th.  If any questions come up tomorrow feel free to contact me through email: or phone at (815) 355-9278.  Thanks!

Directions: Choose at least one learning activity from the SCORE chart. Mark your choice, complete the activity and return the work to Mr. Robins within two days of the e-learning day.

Math ADSIS grades K-4






Stretch Opportunity

Choice: Parent or Student Selection

Options with Technology

Reinforce Learning

Everyday Activities



Practice counting coins/dollar amounts with real coins. (20-25 minutes)

Make change from a certain amount of money for more advanced practice.

Play a Math or Numbers Board/Card Game with Family.    (Go Fish, Uno, Yahtzee, etc.)


*Write the game you choose on this section.

Find Online Computer Game to Practice Our Current Skills. (20-25 Minutes)


Kindergarten:  Ordering Numbers Forwards and Backwards

1st Grade:  Tens and Ones

2nd Grade:  Adding with Regrouping

3rd Grade:  Identifying Quadrilaterals

4th Grade:  Long Division

Help a family member with baking something. (measuring ingredients, etc.)


*Write the dish you helped to make on this section or email a picture to

Practice Math Facts (20-25 Minutes)


Kindergarten: Number Flashcards 0-31

1st and 2nd Grade:  Addition Facts (Flashcards or Dice)

3rd and 4th Grade:  Multiplication Facts (Flashcards or Dice)

JMC Parental Information
To set up an account, please call either the High School Office (for high school students) or the Elementary (for elementary students).
High School Parents: To access Online JMC information, go up to Our Schools and click on High School. On the left side click on Parent Access. 

Elementary Parents: To access Online JMC information, go up to Our Schools and click on Elementary School. On the left side click on Parent Access.