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2025 letters will be sent out through email and the USPS mail in the middle of February. Blooming Prairie High School has an active chapter of the Minnesota Honor Society. The object of this organization is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character. The revised Official Handbook of the Minnesota Honor Society, including the constitution, will be recognized as the written policy for our local chapter. • The scholastic requirement for the Blooming Prairie Chapter will be a 3.5 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale. This GPA is required for both juniors and seniors. • Students who are eligible scholastically will be notified and told that for further consideration for selection into the BPHS MHS they must complete a Minnesota Honor Society application. • Students will be evaluated by the Minnesota Honor Society Committee Council using criteria published and available for all students. ** A student who has a MSHSL violation wil have to refer to the student handbook to determine eligibility. IF YOU RECEIVED A LETTER IN FEBRUARY, FROM MR. WORKE, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL AND MRS. WORKE, SCHOOL COUNSELOR INVITING YOU TO APPLY TO THE MINNESOTA HONOR SOCIETY, please take the time to fill out the application form that highlights your activities, experiences, and awards. This application form is available on Mrs. Worke's website on the link entitled MHS application. In addition to the application, please get two teachers signatures and also one letter of recommendation from someone who is neither a teacher nor a relative. Also, answer the questions on the application, and complete the essay that explains your strongest leadership traits. Lastly, please include a resume of school and community involvement. See Mr. Worke or Mrs. Worke if you have any questions. A hard copy of the application material must be turned in to Mrs. Worke by 3:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2025. No late applications will be accepted. Also, if your application is not done in a professional manner, you will not be accepted into the BPHS Minnesota Honor Society. Please take this process seriously and take your time while filling out the application. |